I have always wanted to be an author: Since the day I could open a book and read and probably before that I have always wanted to write a book. When I was in elementary school I would read the Last of the Mohicans, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, The Three Musketeers and Oliver Twist. Then I would try my hand at writing stories. They never lasted more than two pages but I always wondered what if I could give people something more???
It’s a way to bless people: I have been blessed by books. My life has been changed by books. From the Autobiography of Malcolm X to the Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard I have found my life altered by the printed page and I’m hoping to do that for others
Books reach a wider audience: Everyone has the opportunity to influence those around them. I want to take it to the next level and influence those who are not around me. My dream is to influence people like Abel. The writer of Hebrews points out that although Abel is dead he still speaks. That’s what I want books to do for me.
Ebooks are shorter: I can definitely do an ebook. It’s a first step. It’s getting my feet wet and testing the waters in two areas: endurance and appeal. Endurance answers the question of “Do I have what it takes to write books?” Appeal answers the question of “Will people buy what I write?”
It combines two topics that are close to my heart: For a few years now I have been on a mission to dive into my African American identity and heritage in a substantial way. I have always loved our history and culture and I have sought to consciously reconcile it with faith in Christ in my everyday life. This book was birthed out of that idea.
All that being said it is a labor of love and I plan on publishing by the first of the year. Pray for me because now the fun is over. Time for editing and marketing and all that other stuff real artists don’t like to do